So I have this scenario on my AngularJs application where:
I start by building the AngularJs config.
'use strict';
.module('myApp', [
.config(function ($routeProvider,RestangularProvider, $provide) {
//this will store info for the referrer page
$delegate.referrer = null;
$delegate.params = {};
return $delegate;
// Set the base URL for Restangular.
.setDefaultHttpFields({withCredentials: true});
.when('/restricted', {
templateUrl: 'views/restricted.html',
controller: 'RestrictedCtrl',
access: { requiredLogin: true }
.when('/login', {
templateUrl: 'views/login.html',
controller: 'LoginCtrl',
access: { requiredLogin: false }
redirectTo: '/login',
access: { requiredLogin: false }
}).run(function($rootScope, $location, $cookies, $document) {
$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeStart", function(event, nextRoute, currentRoute) {
if (nextRoute.access.requiredLogin && !$cookies.get('login')) {
//store the referrer page for redirect after logged-in
$document.params = nextRoute.params; //store the parameters
$document.referrer = nextRoute.$$route.originalPath; //store the original url
//redirect user to the login page
As you see I’m using Restangular - an AngularJs service that simplifies common GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE requests. Inside my routes, you’ll notice that I have a route called “restricted”. Obviously, “restricted” is only for logged-in users as it’s “requiredLogin” property value is set to true.
It’s important to take note that I’m using $provide.decorator to modify the $document service. This provides access to the $delegate object which will store the needed info for the referrer page. Inside AngularJs’ run block, we create a “routeChangeStart” event listener. Every time a route is about to change due to unauthenticated user, the application automatically saves the referrer page’s url and parameters on the $document service.
Next step is to create a basic service for the login controller to use. I’ll call it UserService.
'use strict';
.factory('UserService', function(Restangular,$cookies) {
return {
logIn: function(username, password, callback) {
if (username !== undefined && password !== undefined) {
Restangular.all('login').post({user: username, password: password}).then(function(result) {
//get, set users info or set cookie at this point
},function (result) {
//perform callback if not successful
logOut: function() {
//execute logout logic
Finally, we create the login controller using the UserService and $document service.
'use strict';
.controller('LoginCtrl', function ($scope, UserService, $location, $document) {
$scope.logIn = function logIn(username, password) {
//call the UserService login function
UserService.logIn(username, password, function(res){
if(res.status !== 401){
//start getting the referrer page info for redirect
var referrer = $document.referrer,
params = $document.params;
//set back referrer data to original values
$document.referrer = null;
$document.params = {};
//if there is a referrer page, redirect user to that page
(referrer ? $location.path(referrer).search(params):$location.path("/"));
//execute our login error